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I am Ronnie Walker, a Master Coach of Exceptional Relationships & Relationships Transformation. He's the Founder of Ronnie Walker Results Group (RWRG), which provides Personal & Relationship Development, Coaching Business Psychology and Business Development to work towards the goal of enhancing a person's self and surroundings to help them enhance their community, and John D. Maxwell Certified Trainer & Speaker, that focuses on influence lives to grow leadership skills on a personal and organizational level.  I came onboard KUOMagazine in January 2020, as our Love & Relationships Journalist and now Men of Kulture 365, to share my expertise on how men & women can communicate better, heal from broken relationships to rebuilding positive relationships with family, friends, marriage and significant others. My purpose is to empower my family and friends to improve the quality of their lives. Read my full bio at @RonnieWalker. and some of my previous articles below. 


Stay connected with me on my following link below.

Facebook: @resultswithronnie

Instagram: @officialronniewalker

Twitter: @ronniewalker77



 Your Heart & Relationships (February)

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Let’s talk about your heart and relationships. The heart is arguably the most vital organ of the human body. It’s responsible for pumping blood through the circulatory system supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and re- moves carbon dioxide. Needless to say, taking care of the heart is vital. Eating the right foods, proper exercise as well as a positive state of mind. Now, I’m not a doctor, Yet I’m sure we can all agree that stress is a killer. It places undue pressure on the heart and the next thing you know a myriad of things happen to the body. And while there are many things that cause stress, the one thing we need to be .......READ MORE!

Celebrating Women's History Month (March)

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What if I were to tell you we could not have a history without women? We all know that everyone reading this article is here because of a woman. March is Woman’s history month and while I wanted to write about few women that have made history, I realized that the list would be too long. As a man, that I as I look into my upbringing and growing up, women all played a major part in the defining moments in my life and I would bet that your history would bear that out as well. The history of this country and the world over is chock full of stories of exceptional women that have been pioneers of change, growth, freedom and peace........READ MORE!

The Mother's We Love So Much (May)

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Question: What wonderful things could I say about mothers that has not already been said?

Answer: It doesn’t matter because it’s ALWAYS worth repeating. The relationship with our mother is one of the most fascinating, complex, intense, advise filled relationships we will ever have. As a man, I will forever give credit to my mother for me being the caring, high performance man that I am today. For many of us, she is the first woman that showed us love and she is the first woman we learned to love. She was there when we believed the world is against us. She was there when we came back from our first date. ........READ MORE!

Celebrating Fatherhood (June)

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Ask anyone what fatherhood means to them and you hear words like “provider”, “protector”, “legacy builder”, “hard worker” and adjective go on. Specifically ask a father what fatherhood means to him and you will hear “wonderful”, “on the job training” “a gift,” “honorable.” I’m grateful to have share times and conversations with fathers all over the world and the stories they share will inspire you. They know they are not perfect and although some may not have had the best experiences with their father growing up, when they became fathers, they were determined to be the best father that ever lived. even when she has grown........READ MORE!

Love & Domestic Abuse Survivors (October)

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I was going to start this article by sharing startling statistics about domestic violence in the black community, but I decided against it because one case alone is far too many. Learning the one you love is a survivor of   domestic violence is intense. It takes you through a range of emotions that starts with pure anger and ends in joy that she survived. It makes you question how someone could want to hurt another human being, especially if you claim to care them and they are expressing love towards you. I can remember clearly in two different relationships when I learned that she is a survivor of domestic violence. The experience was shared right after what we both expressed......READ MORE!

Family, Friends, Dating & Relationships During COVID (December)


I was going to start this article by sharing startling statistics about domestic violence in the black community, but I decided against it because one case alone is far too many. Learning the one you love is a survivor of   domestic violence is intense. It takes you through a range of emotions that starts with pure anger and ends in joy that she survived. It makes you question how someone could want to hurt another human being, especially if you claim to care them and they are expressing love towards you. I can remember clearly in two different relationships when I learned that she is a survivor of domestic violence. The experience was shared right after what we both expressed......READ MORE!

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Glow 365 TV, Men of Kulture 365, Women of Kulture 365, & Ribbons of Survivors 365

Website Design & Photography by Mea Allman,

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